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3 Strategies for Getting On With It Already!!!!

by | Mar 2, 2021 | Moving Forward | 0 comments

3 Strategies for Getting On With It Already!!!!

No intro, no fluff (well…except this), just the good stuff.  

1. Reframe Failure

One of the things I do to annoy… well basically everyone around me, but especially my kids and clients is to ask after a mistake, a project, a win,

“What did you learn”.


Because I love being a pain in the a$$. 

J/k… no seriously.  But also, it turns out that most of the learning from our past failures and successes isn’t just living through it but actually reflecting on that experience to see what you’ve learned, and how you can do better the next time, or if there won’t be a next time, how the learning can be applied to something else. 

2. Plan for…life.

We all know life gets in the way sometimes. Sometimes it just jumps right out in front of us with no warning.  Before anything happens to derail you, set a plan for success.  What does that even mean, Tara?!?  It means that if you work towards your goal each day, set a minimum for what that means.  Here are some examples: 

Write one social media post.

Do one, 1-minute plank.

Make one video.

Funny story…

My husband and I are not “special day” people and often enough forget our wedding anniversary.  In fact, we even got married on a number regression day to make it easier for us to remember (9/8/7).  Because we are who we are and I am who I am, we made a plan for what we do in case we forget to mark the occasion.  On the years we forget, we do two things.  First, as soon as we remember, we take a selfie together doing whatever it is we’re doing that day.  We rarely take selfies, so it’s a nice treat when they pop-up in our digital memories.  Second, we ask each other at least one of three questions: 

  1. What do you like most about being married to me?
  2. What do you like more about us/me/ our marriage now than you did on the day we got married?
  3. If time and money weren’t an issue, where would you take me and why? 

That’s it.  A simple plan for when we fail to plan. 

3. Try if/then

I first learned about If/Then statements in college while learning about designing circuits and quickly applied it to life.  Almost everything we do has risk attached to it, and this little exercise helps manage that risk.  It goes like this: 

IF (this happens) I get stuck in my own head because I’m scared of failure

THEN (I’ll do this)  I’ll do an if/then exercise on my fear. 

IF I’m scared that no one will respond to my ads, if that happens…

THEN I’ll spend a week doing intense learning about persuasive ad writing and best ad-placement practices

You got this,  

More Juicy Bits

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