Juicy bites
to Read and Listen to
Without Clarity, You’re Missing Out On These…
Three Key Things You're Missing Out On Without Clarity Have you ever seen a group of kids who’ve never been in a canoe before try to paddle somewhere? They’re all over the place. They zig, they zag, they often go in circles before they either figure it out and start...
Your Guide to Clarity
What Does Clarity Do For You? One of my dearest friends is going through incredible stress right now. His mom passed away Dec 30th while he was living and running his business in Thailand. Coming back to the US to help bury her and say his final...
3 Strategies for Getting On With It Already!!!!
3 Strategies for Getting On With It Already!!!! No intro, no fluff (well...except this), just the good stuff. 1. Reframe Failure One of the things I do to annoy… well basically everyone around me, but especially my kids and clients is to ask after a...
Progress Not Perfection: Shifting your Expectations
Move Forward by Shifting Your Expectations Learning to read is a huge process. First you learn your ABC’s or your native equivalent, then the sounds each letter makes, and finally you start putting those sounds together over and over again until you’re...
THIS is the Killer of Progress!
The Killer of Progress We all want to be the best at what we do and loved, praised, and honored for it. It can’t be just me afterall! I love the atta’girls and WOW, That’s Brilliant!’s that comes from doing work that genuinely helps people. I...
Stop looking Forward
Stop Looking Forward for A Hot Second We are in the process of adopting our teenage foster daughter. She’s amaze-ballz. She is intelligent, a hard worker, thoughtful, generous, and silly. She’s also so full of head trash from her past foster homes,...
The Art of Picking Yourself Back Up
The Art of Picking Yourself Back Up Do you ever have moments, days, weeks, months, or even years that seem to blow up in your face? I’m sure that in living through an unpredictable pandemic all of us have had that moment a time or two this past...
Being Authentic Isn’t For Wimps
How many times a day are you less than what the universe made you just to make other people ‘comfortable’?
The problem with that is exactly what we see when we scroll through 99% of Facebook, Instagram, (insert social media of choice here). Everything blends together. Everything is the same- until it’s not, and THAT’S when we pay attention!
The Secret Ingredient to Failing Forward
Let’s face it. Failing at anything sucks. Even things that are just mini set-backs can ruin our whole day or business mojo for the rest of the week.
The trick of it is, after getting mud on your face and all over your fancy clothes, how do you get up with the same enthusiasm and try again?
Check out the answer inside!